This is a demo page to show you how everything looks.

This is called a "pickup" page. I created it by first uploading an image, audio, video, and a document. Next I created a "SmartPack" by adding each of the elements and arranged them in the order I wanted them to appear on the page. Everything is drag and drop easy.

Below you will see each of the elements. Above you see the logo image. To the right you see my name, company name, phone, email, social media link examples, and a call to action button. Everything is editable. You can also password protect the page.

You can come up with all kinds of creative uses for this tool. PLUS the big thing is that every item is trackable so you know when those you send it to have watched the video, listened to the audio, opened a link, opened a document etc. It's next level cool!

You can add videos by uploading the video file. You can also add videos by the video url from YouTube and Vimeo.

We are all very visual. Video increases engagement by as much as 79%.

You can add links with a title and description.

Internet marketing tools to automate and grow your business with confidence and precision.

TEAM Engagement

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so I could use it for everything I provide training for. 

101 Positive Affirmations

You can upload a variety of documents. Supported documents: .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .xls, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .pptm, .txt.

It’s waiting for you. If you’re ready to make serious money I’m ready to show you how to do it. I will show you how to make this your reality.

Think about how this cash would change things for you! You can do more than just imagine it. You can do it!

Britt Phillips

Worldwide Ad Network Inc

Yes Britt Show Me How!