Here's 111 OneTouch Emails I use with the system.

I will update this page when I add new ones!

The system makes it super easy to automatically send the perfect email at the perfect time! I have many emails saved in the system for a large variety of situations that can present themselves both during a Dialing Session and also when I'm not in an active session.

Here's the difference...

Dialing Session
This is when I am connected to the system and it is dialing the contacts, prospects, clients for me.

Manual Mode
This is when I am not connected to the system but I am still looking at a person's contact record. A good example of this is when someone calls me and I search for their phone number and quickly locate their contact record so I can add notes about our conversation etc.

Either way the system makes it super easy to trigger an email.

Hope this gives you some creative ideas. Let me know if you come up with one that I haven't already thought of. I'm always looking at creative new ways to maximize this system.

YOU MUST HAVE AN EMAIL IN THE RECORD OF THE PERSON IN ORDER FOR THE SYSTEM TO SEND THEM AN EMAIL. ALWAYS ASK FOR THEIR EMAIL IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT! The best way to do it is to say "I'll send you a link. what's your email?" instead of just telling them your website address.

My current emails list...

30 Day Checkup
This one is triggered when 30 days have elapsed since we last spoke OR I want to attempt to re-engage with someone who has been silent. Notice how it's generic and can serve more than one effective use.

This one offers a free gift resource. It shows I genuinely care about the person and their success personally and professionally. The link in the email takes them to my links page where they will find the affirmations video after they have seen the offers on their way down the page. Click here to see what I mean.

Note: This one can help you salvage what otherwise would have been a lost sale due to the person's psychological block, frustrations, anger, self-esteem issues, etc. Sometimes people don't care until they know that you do.

Backlinks have been completed
Backlinks have been completed.

Bad Number
This one attempts to get a good contact number for the person since the one I have isn't working.

Busy Signal
This one attempts to get the person to call me since when I try to reach them I get a busy signal.

CD/DVD Titles Have Shipped
This one goes out to confirm the shipment of titles.

Congrats 1st Leads Sale!
This one goes out to people when they get their first leads package sale!

Contest Claim Prize / Forfeit
This one goes out to winners who have not claimed their prize.

Contest Winner Notification
This one goes out to the winners of a contest.

Custom Unsubscribe Can-Spam Link
This one goes out to show how to request a custom unsubscribe link at the bottom of all emails sent through the system instead of the overzealous default one.

Daily Cash Adds Up
This is a very powerful reminder of how much money can be made when a daily goal is set. It suggests they print out copies and place them around their home in places where they will frequently see them to encourage and motivate them to take ACTION!

Desktop Training Session
This one goes out to clients who have hired me for a desktop training session. It contains download links and general instructions to prepare for the session.

Dispositions Onboarding Session
This one goes out to people to remind them of a scheduled appointment for Dispositions onboarding.

Dispositions + OneTouch Emails Almost Complete
This one goes out to clients who have hired me to set up their One-Touch emails and Disposition sets buttons.

Dropship Titles Payment Required
This one goes out to clients to remind them to send a payment for me to authorize my fulfillment center to dropship the CD and DVD titles to their clients.

Elephant Story
This one is incredibly powerful. I send it when I speak with someone who needs encouragement to take action.

Email 5yr Cell Campaign is Ready
Confirmation Email 5yr Cell Campaign is Ready

Email Signature Data Needed
Data needed from clients to create their custom email signature image.

Fax Machine
This one lets the person know I got their fax tone when dialing their contact number. It attempts to get them to call me.

Follow Up $28K in two days
This one reminds the person we recently spoke. It includes a link to the website we spoke about and gives them a short blurb about why they should first review the page and then call me.

Note: You should do everything within your power to generate some money so you can duplicate this one. It's incredibly powerful! To say it's an attention-getter is an understatement.

Generic Amazing Day
This one is very short... "Just a quick email to say I hope you are having an amazing day!"

It makes the person feel good that gets it and if the timing is right it could get your phone to ring or at least a quick reply acknowledgment. Either way, you are staying in their thoughts and it could translate into future business.

But wait, there's more! This one also contains my standard signature which includes a link to my links page mentioned above.  All of these emails contain my standard signature.

Gas Distributor Welcome
Welcome email for new Gas Distributors

Generic Brother
This one is short as well... "Just checking in with you brother. Hope all is well. Give me a shout back when you get a second."

Notice how it is generic and can be used in a variety of situations.

Interested Autoresponder Campaign
This one goes to people who expressed interest in hiring me to write an autoresponder campaign for them. Go here to discover more about this service.

Interested BizopClothing
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my clothing line. Go here to discover more.

Interested CD / DVD Titles
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my 200+ CD and DVD titles. Call me for more information.

Interested Consulting
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my consulting services. Call me to discover more.

Interested Custom Audio
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my custom audio/voice-over services. Go here to discover more.

Interested Custom Video
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my custom video services. Go here to discover more.

Interested DialSmarter Training
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my custom desktop LIVE training for how to get the most out of the PhoneBurner tool.

Interested Domain Name
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me research and pick a good domain name for them. Go here to discover more.

Interested Email Signature
This one goes out to people who are interested in my custom email signature,

Interested Gas Distributorship
This one goes to people who expressed interest in becoming one of my FreeGas DVD distributors. Call me to discover more.

Interested Graphic Design
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my graphic design services. Go here to discover more.

Interested Leads
This one goes to people who expressed interest in leads. Go here and here to discover more.

Interested Nasty Remove List
This one goes to people who expressed interest in protecting themselves from calling the wrong people when using automated broadcast platforms, SMS marketing, etc.

I've got a list of 1,200 psychopaths and litigious people who you should never call for any reason. They have a history of causing problems for marketers. Call me to discover more.

Interested Pitch Review
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me review their pitch offer to determine how they can make it convert better. Call me to discover more.

Interested Placemats
This one goes to people who expressed interest in The Definitive Restaurant Placemat Advertising Guide course I wrote. Go here to discover more.

Interested Sales Funnel Review
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me review their sales funnel to determine how they can make it convert better. Go here to discover more.

Interested Send Out Cards
This one goes to people who expressed interest in signing up in an excellent offline marketing system. Go here and then call me to discover more.

Interested SEO
This one goes to people who expressed interest in signing up in an excellent offline marketing system. Go here to discover more.

Interested Set Up VB Dialer
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me set up their voice broadcasting / SMS platform for them to ensure it's done correctly. Call me to discover more.

Interested Subliminal Library
This goes to people who are interested in my 52 Volume Subliminal Library.

Interested VB Consulting
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my consulting services for the proper way to do automated voice broadcasting. Call me to discover more.

Interested VM Review
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me review their voicemail to help them improve it to attract more business. Call me to discover more.

Interested Web Design
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my web design services. Go here to discover more.

Interested Website Review
This one goes to people who expressed interest in having me review their website to help them improve it to attract more business. Call me to discover more.

Interested Website Traffic
This one goes to people who expressed interest in my website traffic services. Call me to discover more.

Interested XRP
This one goes to people who expressed interest in Cryptocurrency and the platform I use. Go here to discover more.

Leads Onboarding Session
This is an appointment reminder email for an onboarding session when people buy leads.

Leads Site Traffic Offer
This goes to clients who have purchased my leads/website package.

Links Page
This one is short... "It was a pleasure speaking with you on the phone today." However, it also contains my signature which directs people to my marketing tools page.

Note: A big issue you can run into when including multiple links in an email is having it bounce back as undeliverable or rejected by the server. This is because it is considered SPAM. However, a simple solution to this is to set up a page like I have here and link to it instead.

List Seeding Data Needed
This one goes to clients who paid me to seed their lists for them to ensure they are seeded correctly.

Local SEO Page Data Needed
Data needed from clients to create their Local SEO Page image.

Mailing Address
This one goes to people who purchased a leads package to get their mailing address to receive my CD/DVD titles as part of their order.

Missed Appointment
This one is sent when a person is not available for a scheduled appointment. It combines humor and a persuasive message that gets people to connect with me again. It also shows them I keep my word and am there when I say I will be. It causes them to reflect on some things that each help them to reconnect with me.

Multiple VM No Response
This one goes out to people who have not returned my calls. It's an attempt to get them re-engage with me. It works for three reasons.

1. It includes humor. Humor is always good. Anytime a person laughs and they associate a feel-good moment with me, chances are high they will connect with me.

2. It offers a free gift. People love free stuff. In this case, I used the same affirmations strategy mentioned above to get the person to go to my marketing tools page.

3. It contains a subtle but very powerful psychological trigger. The person may not be interested in my offer now. However, once they see this email they may save it and think of me in the future. I've had people call me right after seeing it and tell me they are glad I reached out and they ended up doing business with me!

Nasty Remove List Added To PB Account DNC
Confirmation to the client their DNC list in PB has been updated to include my Nasty Remove List.

Not a Good Time
This one is sent when the person says "now is not a good time to talk". It includes a highly persuasive message with both words and imagery that says basically imagine life when you could do what you want when you want etc. Because they just told me the time wasn't good for them to talk they are obviously not in a place where they can enjoy time freedom. It encourages them to reconnect with me ASAP.

NOT Interested
This one is less subtle and more direct. The person is sent this one when they have clearly stated they are not interested. However, it still contains a very powerful psychological trigger that is hard to ignore. This email gets me more business than if I were making the mistake 98% make which is to simply say "next".

No Answer
This one is sent when the person doesn't answer their phone and there is no voicemail. It includes humor and attempts to get the person to connect with me.

No VM... Try Your Call Again Later
This one is sent when I call a number and get a recording that says... The person you have dialed is unavailable. Please try your call again later.", and there is no option for me to leave them a voicemail. This often gets them to call me!

Opened Email
This one is sent to people who have opened an email from me sent through the PB system. It really commands attention and makes people wonder how I know they just opened my email. I get callbacks all the time from this email!

Overnight Payment Instructions
This one is sent when clients elect to send payment via the overnight option.

Confirmation payment has been received or has cleared and posted to my account.

PhoneBurner Signup Welcome & Training Session Pitch
This one is sent out to everyone who signs up for PhoneBurner through my affiliate link offering my optional 4-hour Zoom training session to help them get the most out of the tool. Each time I receive a notification of new signup I send this one out.

Placemats Course Shipped
This is a shipping confirmation sent to customers who purchased my The Definitive Restaurant Placemat Advertising Guide! which is super cool FYI. Go here.

Placemats Course Onboarding Session
This is an appointment reminder for a scheduled onboarding session for course buyers.

Pleasure Speaking With You
This one is sent to a person I've had a good conversation with. It's a nice professional touch. It also includes a link to my marketing tools page.

Prayer List
Sometimes you will encounter people who are going through a tough situation. It could be a family emergency or any number of things. This email is sent letting them know that I am praying for them and that I am here if they need to talk. People don't care until they know that you do.

Presentation Critique
This one goes to people Interested in my Presentation Critique session.

Returning Your Call
This one is sent to people to acknowledge receipt of their voicemail. It is sent along with a voicemail. This combination works nicely because it shows I'm a professional and I take my business seriously. It also includes a link to my marketing tools page. And there is one more nice touch that encourages the person to respond to my email if it is not a convenient time for them to return my call.

Script for video at top of Cell Offer page
This one goes to success team members who made the smart move to earn $10K weely with my proven system.

Seeded Your Lists
This one goes to clients to confirm their lead list(s) have been seeded and added to their Dropbox account folder.

Send Files Via Dropbox
This one goes to people who need to send me files... images, videos etc. Usually for web design clients.

This one is sent to people interested in a custom email signature.

SmartSender Links
This one goes to people who I'm doing live system training so they can see how this feature works. I share multiple examples.

SmartSender SmartPack Demo
This one is sent to people who have not been through the system training yet but have expressed interest in the system and are thinking about signing up for it.

Someone Else
This one is sent to people when I encounter someone other than the intended person answering the phone.  There are 2 reasons why this one works so well.

1. Gatekeeper
Sometimes there is someone who believes they are acting in the best interest of the person who didn't answer the phone. They launch into a mini interrogation trying to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. The overzealous spouse who is anti-opportunity etc., roommate, parent, etc.

2. Backup Plan
If the gatekeeper decides they are not going to pass my message along to the intended person I still have another chance of connecting with them via email! 

BUSTED! The email lets the intended recipient know I tried to connect with them but someone else answered the phone. It says the person who answered said they would let them know I called etc. If they fail to do so then this lets the person know they are missing connections because of the gatekeeper!

This strategy works very well. I've received lots of calls and emails from people who thanked me for sending them the email to alert them to what was happening.

Swim toward the help. Sean Stephenson
This one gets sent out to people who need encouragement to become coachable and accountable and responsible for their own success.

This one is sent to people I am playing phone tag with. It's short... "It's official. We are playing phone tag! What a blessing it is to be so busy." ... but it contains a subtle psychological trigger as well as a link to my marketing tools page.

TEAM How Can I Help You
This one is sent to the various teams I have in multiple programs.  I purposely made it generic so I could use it for all of my teams. It contains a short 7-question survey to encourage engagement and it lets people know I am here for them.

Testimonial Received | Free Gift
This one is sent right after receiving the requested testimonial from a special page I created to help ensure I get the best testimonials!

Testimonial Request
This one is sent to ask for a testimonial. This works incredibly well and is something you should always send to everyone you do business with.

Testimonial Request Page Data Needed
Data needed from client to create their Testimonial Request Page.

Titles MASTER List CDs / DVDs
This one contains a master list of titles I have created.

Trading Time For Money
This one is sent to people who either have not returned my calls or I can tell need a nudge to think about their current situation and circumstances to make a possible change. It contains very powerful psychological persuasive tactics to encourage personal inventory and engagement.

USB Templates Shipped Personally Tracking #
Confirmation I have shipped ordered USB cell leads templates

VM Full
This one is sent to people when I encounter the "voicemail is full" recording. It contains humor and also a reminder to check their voicemail in case some kind of technical issue is happening. This one works well.

VM Isn't Set Up Yet
This one is used for those times when I call and get a recording saying the VM isn't set up.

Waiting Page
Waiting page for stuff web design clients need to send me.

Web Design Feedback
This one is sent to web design clients after I complete their project.

Web Design Coded Referral Page Data Needed
Data for me to set up client's web design coded referral page.

Web Design Referral Coded Page Is Ready!
This one goes to let clients know their Web Design Referral Coded page is ready and they can start sending traffic to it to earn referral commissions.

Web Design Prospect Referral Update
Update to the person who sent me a web design referral.

Web Design Referral Program
This one is sent to people who expressed interest in my web design referral program.

Website Flow Chart
Custom linked flow chart for clients website to help them navigate.

Website Info Needed
I need a photo of you and your bank info for the payment page and site phone number.

Website LIVE Onboarding
A reminder
 of set appointment date and time to go over their new website.

Website Maintenance Client Welcome
Added to my Website Maintenance Program

Website Monthly Maintenance
This one is sent to people who are interested in monthly website maintenance to maintain their website.

Website Onboarding Tools Setup Session
This one is sent when an appointment is scheduled for Website Onboarding.

Web Traffic Status
This one is sent to let clients know their traffic package has been started.

Welcome LEADS Onboarding Session
Request for buyers to contact me to schedule LEADS onboarding session.

Why Britt?
This one goes to people who I am looking to connect with offering highlights of my experience and skill level, success, etc. I use it in a variety of situations.

Wire Info
This is my favorite one! This is the one I send to people when they are ready to wire me money. It contains everything they need to send me a wire. They can print it out and take it to the bank. They can refer to it on their phone when they are at the bank or using their private banking app. This saves me tons of time.

Wrong Number
This one is sent to the contact's email address when someone answers the phone at the number I have for the contact and tells me I dialed the wrong number. It encourages the contact to reply to the email with the best number for me to reach them on. This simple step has put tons of money in my pocket.

Your Leads in Dropbox Folder
This one is sent to confirm their leads have been delivered and they can grab them from Dropbox.

ZOOM Meeting ID / Link
This one is very handy. It's got the link for people to go so they can click and enter the meeting ID to join me in a desktop session. This is a real-time saver.

To make things easier for me I also created a template to use when writing new emails. With the template, I simply copy it and then change the subject line and top portion of the message. The signature is already there.


Life moves at a fast pace. People are busy. Their timing and yours aren't always the same. Sending strategic emails combined with voicemail is a very smart way to maximize your business-building efforts.

People are looking for automated systems because they are either lazy and/or want to maximize their efforts. Demonstrating the tools and the system is a really smart way to attract people to your business.

Take the time to write a good email subject line to make sure people open it! Also, make sure the body of your emails is all on point. If you need help with it let me know.

Do not be afraid of technology and automation. They are not your enemies. They are your friends. They will help you make tons of money if you will embrace them.

Using this phenomenal system is really like cloning yourself! You are able to get much more done than you ever would have been able to without it. Embrace it!

You will see the emails are working when people start replying to them and calling you referencing them.

You may be wondering how you're going to come up with emails for various situations. The answer is one at a time as you discover how you could use one here and another there. One for this and another for that etc. The thing that helps me is when I find a need for a new email I stop right then and write it. This habit has always served me well.

Closing Thoughts

You're in good hands.

This system is phenomenal. However, if you don't use it then you can't get the benefit out of it!

Britt Phillips

Worldwide Ad Network Inc

Must Have Marketing Tools