Here's 17 base voicemails I use with the system.

I will update this page when I add new ones!

There are many creative ways you can use this system to effectively trigger voicemails and emails. Hope these give you some creative ideas. I always enjoy brainstorming new ideas and outside the box thinking to come up with new ways to generate more sales while getting maximum benefit out of technology and automation.

You may be wondering how you're going to come up with voicemails for various situations. The answer is one at a time as you discover how you could use one here and another there. One for this and another for that etc. The thing that helps me is when I find a need for a new voicemail I stop right then and record it. This habit has always served me well.

30 Day Check Up

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one shows the prospect I obviously have an efficient system of organization and productive follow up. It also encourages re engagement through a subtle yet highly effective persuasion technique. 

Sometimes prospects will wait to see how you market yourself and your offer to them. They may be trying to figure out what works and who they should work with based upon the things they are seeing, hearing, receiving etc. This is why it is so important to demonstrate the tools in order to attract the very people who are paying the most attention to what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Friday Call Me

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one is super persuasive. Especially when combined with the visual of the email. This combination gets people to reflect on their week and more importantly what they want in the future. This one works great!

Follow Up $28K 2 Days

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. Obviously, this one is very strong. It's tough to ignore. It commands attention and persuades the prospect to take action now while it is still fresh in their mind.  Notice how it redirects them back to my website where they can watch the overview video and get the presentation while I'm saving time by being efficient and productive! NOTE: Obviously YOU can't mislead anyone by recording this one as is since YOU didn't generate the $28K in two days. However, YOU can record something that is generic thus still receiving the strong indirect benefit.  You could say something in the beginning such as...
"Hi, This is __________. Recently we spoke about how people on our success team have generated as much as $28K in literally just two days....

Generic Amazing Day

This voicemail is triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so I could use it in a variety of situations.

Note: This is an alternative to the previous one. It's always good to change things up a bit to avoid leaving the same voicemail twice. When using automation you always want to be mindful of these things when recording voicemail files. Think ahead on how you can use them and record them accordingly.

I also have a copy of this disposition assigned to another button. In this copy I set it up to also trigger an email. This gives me the option of just leaving a voicemail only or both the voicemail and sending an email.

Generic Britt Short VM

This voicemail is very generic and very short. It is triggered by a disposition button. I purposely created this one to be the shortest of all. It goes straight to the point leaving my name and number twice, and that's it. It's great when I only want to leave my name and number without providing too much information with which people may start to guess or assume the reason for my call. It encourages people to connect with me to see why I called. : ) And because it is so generic it can be used in a variety of scenarios with great flexibility. All at the click or tap of a disposition button!

Generic Blessed Day

This voicemail is triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so I could use it in a variety of situations.

Generic Brother

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one is generic and can be left for any male. This gives me another option to leave a generic voicemail without having to leave it live and requiring me to wait for their voicemail greeting and then manually leave my voicemail.

This one has that laid back hip factor happening. It's short and to the point while also saying in a subtle manner that I'm cool peeps and it's cool to hit me back. many guys will identify with this approach and call back!

Generic Question About Your Business

This one is perfect when you don't want to leave too much information from which the prospect can form an assumption of why you're calling. This one gets people to call me back! I generally use it when I'm working a genie or cell list and am prospecting for leads sales.

Missed Appointment

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one combines humor and a persuasive message that gets people to connect with me again. It also shows them I keep my word and am there when I say I will be. It causes them to reflect on some things that each help them to reconnect with me.

Multiple Voicemail No Response

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one attempts to re engage the prospect utilizing a gentle nudge backed up with real experience and thought provoking logic. This also shows the prospect that I've got some marketing skills in terms of effective follow up.

There are lots of reasons why some prospects don't return your call. Life happens and everyone is dealing with their own situation and reality. A message like this one stands out which is exactly what it is intended to do. It contains a very clever psychological persuasive sales tactic that works for many reasons fitting multiple situations.

Phone Tag

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one is short, playful, and yet powerful in terms of showing your prospects you are a professional who takes their business seriousless. Professionals are attracted to other professionals.

PhoneBurner Signup Welcome Invite

Welcome message sent to everyone who signs up for PhoneBurner through my affiliate link with an invitation for my optional 4 hour Zoom training session.

Returning Your Call

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so I could use it for cold call prospects as well as all other instances as well.

TEAM Engagement

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so I could use it for everything I provide training for. 

Trading TIME For Money

This voicemail and an email are triggered by a disposition set button. This one inspires thought about one's current way of making money. It creates an emotional connection and sobering reality of whether to accept where they currently are in life or do something to change it!

YouTube Strategy

This voicemail is triggered by a disposition set button. I purposely created this one generically so it can be used with the YouTube strategy. Notice how my voice is laid back and doesn't come across as someone selling something. It encourages the person to return my call with a feeling I am a prospect for them!  :  )

There are millions of dollars out there waiting for you right now!

This system combines the best of automation and technology to help empower you to grow and scale your business quickly. With consistent daily use and a personal commitment to invest time, energy, and effort into yourself and your business to achieve your dreams... you will achieve them.

Les Brown Motivation

Listen to this as many times as you need to. EVERYTHING you have ever hoped for and dream of is waiting for right NOW just outside of your comfort zone. Have the courage to go beyond fear so you can achieve all that you were born to achieve. You CAN do it.

Britt Phillips

Worldwide Ad Network Inc

Must Have Marketing Tools