Click to Present

I will update this page when I add new ones!

Here's some creative ways you can use this awesome feature. Always remember that demonstrating the system will attract people to you and they will also want to use it. But you have to show them creative ways they can use it. I've been using this strategy for MANY years and it has always served me well.

NOTE: It is very important to give each clip a short, easy to locate name. This way you will be able to quickly and easily play the perfect clip exactly when you want to play it without having to search up and down a list to find the perfect one for the situation.

Here's a few of the many creative ways you can use this feature. If you come up with additional ways to use this feature I would love to hear them!

This is where this feature really shines. It was the genesis of how I pitched the idea and worked closely with the heads of the technical and sales department to get this feature adopted in the software. You can use this feature to upload as many testimonials as you like and then play them on command to anyone you are connected with through the system. It's way cool! Listen to the audio below to discover more including a pro tip to really maximize this strategy.

This feature is excellent for sharing motivational clips. I've got Les Brown, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger,  and others at the ready in my Click to Present library.

Effects can be really fun! For example, I have the Jeopardy theme saved into my library. If I ask someone a question and they take longer than normal to answer sometimes I play it. It always gets a laugh! Another sort of mischievous example is a baby crying. If you had someone who was giving you a hard time on the phone and whining etc. you could play the baby crying! There are many creative ways to use this one.

Music is powerful. It can  literally change our mood in an instant. Think about things you could add to your library that are inspiring and lift spirits and invoke emotion etc. I suggest lowering the volume so they can be heard but not to loud that you can't hold a conversation over them. This can take someone from a "no" or "let me think about it" to YES!

There are many creative ways you can use this feature to help you be a more productive team builder training your team. Quotes is a good example. Sure you could quote someone with a meaningful, thought provoking, inspiring quote. However, if you play a sound bite of the person actually saying the words it will have much more impact.

Repetitive Stuff
Things you say over and over can be recorded once and then played back on demand! This is a big time (and sometimes sanity) saver.

Interviews are great. Find people with something to say that others will find interesting. Split it up into multiple clips. Use these clips when applicable to help you make a point, lift someone up, or close a sale.

NOTE: You should invest in a high quality portable recorder. Check out the one below. This is great for interviews, testimonials etc.

Portable Digital Recorder

Having a good portable mp3 recording device will give you the advantage when it comes to creating content. Go here to grab the one I reccommend.


This is the tool I use to record and edit audio on my computer. It's free and it's easy to use. Get it here.

The Genesis of Click to Present

Listen as I share how the Click to Present feature came to be and also give you a pro tip to get the most from using it!

Britt Phillips

Worldwide Ad Network Inc

Must Have Marketing Tools